Personal Training for Mental Health: More Than Just Physical Fitness Written by: VIDA Fitness

Guest blog written by Nicole Papadopoulos

Many people turn to personal training for improvements in their physical fitness. But what most people fail to recognize are the mental health benefits that come with personal training. Similar to the patterns in our day-to-day lives, our mental health often gets pushed aside and becomes the last of our priorities. However, mental resilience and physical strength must be equal to achieve any fitness goal. Personal trainers will empower you to prioritize your well-being, shift your mindset, and overcome any limiting beliefs, all of which have a lasting impact on your mental health.

Prioritizing Wellbeing

By hiring a personal trainer, not only are you making a commitment to reaching your fitness goals, but you are making your health and overall wellness a priority. When life gets stressful and you begin to feel overwhelmed, it is common to put time for yourself on the back burner and focus on the more pressing work or family obligations. Personal trainers will act as a voice of reason and encourage you to put yourself first and become the best version of yourself. Personal training sessions are known to reduce the feeling of isolation, establish a structured routine, and improve stress management.

Practicing Mindfulness

The power of mindset is pivotal in everyone’s fitness journey. Without having a personal trainer alongside you to provide positive support, the journey can be a lonely place. We have all experienced self-doubt, engaged in negative self-talk, and suffered fear of failure. Not only do these behaviors hinder your physical fitness goals, but they also take a great toll on your mental health.

Personal trainers recognize the importance of mindset and will provide mental support during training that can be utilized in all aspects of life. Strategies that personal trainers typically implement during training include the ability to embrace discomfort, cultivate a positive mindset, and set realistic goals. By shifting your mindset from limiting to empowering, you can significantly improve both your mental and physical health.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Do you ever establish unrealistic expectations for yourself or catch yourself doubting your abilities? These beliefs are examples of invisible barriers that can prevent you from reaching your fitness goals and force you into a negative headspace. Having a personal trainer will improve your mental health by helping you overcome any limiting beliefs that you may have by setting measurable and attainable goals that are tailored individually to your fitness level. Personal trainers provide intentional support through cognitive reframing, goal setting, and affirmations to challenge your negative beliefs and foster a sense of confidence.

Elevate your mood and improve your overall well-being with the help of a personal trainer who truly cares about your success. While they may not be mental health professionals, their support can make a huge difference in your wellness journey. Ready to prioritize both your physical and mental health? Learn more about VIDA personal training and give yourself the care you deserve!