The Skinny on Your Skin Written by: Kim Kisner

When working toward overall health and wellness, our focus can naturally skew toward how our body is operating and performing, our immune system, remaining at a healthy weight, and lowering our stress levels. These are all critically important, but what about our skin? Sometimes that goes overlooked.

Did you know that your skin is your body’s largest organ?

November is National Healthy Skin Month, so it’s time to take a look at our skin and make sure we are keeping it in shape from head to toe.

Let’s begin with some fun facts you may not know about your body’s biggest organ:

  • Your skin makes up about 15% of your total body weight.
  • The average adult has nearly 21 square feet of skin that contain over 11 miles of blood vessels.
  • A single square inch of skin has about 300 sweat glands.
  • The thickest skin is found on your feet, and your eyelids are the thinnest area of skin.
  • Your skin renews itself every 28 days and sheds about 9 pounds of dead skin cells every year.
  • Your skin has some nerves that are connected to your muscles to help you react more quickly to extreme temperatures or pain.
  • Changes in your skin can often be a warning sign of a medical condition or changes in your body’s health.
  • There are at least five types of receptors in the skin that respond to pain and touch.
  • Sleep is vital for healthy, vibrant, and youthful skin.

So how can you observe national healthy skin month, and keep your skin healthy all year? Consider incorporating the following practices into your regimen.

Sleep Well!

Sleep is important for the growth and renewal of multiple physiological systems. Because the skin is the largest organ of the human body, sleep is vital for healthy skin. Without regular, quality sleep, many people begin to notice an increase in fine lines, uneven pigmentation, and reduced elasticity in their skin. Simply put, they look older than their actual years because lack of sleep weakens the skin’s ability to repair and rejuvenate itself.

Manage Stress

Stress can cause skin breakouts and exacerbate skin conditions like psoriasis and others. To reduce stress, exercise regularly, get enough sleep and practice good self-care. Treat yourself to a massage (LINK AURA SPA). Meditate. Journal. Take a long walk. Whatever works for you!


Sometimes the most straightforward actions give you the greatest benefits. Drinking water clears out the dangerous toxins that can hurt your skin. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily for skin health.

Know Your Skin

Familiarize yourself with what your healthy skin looks like, and then check yourself regularly for spots with unusual shapes or colors that might indicate skin cancer. Look for new moles that appear. Go to the dermatologist regularly and get a cancer screening once a year.

Apply Sunscreen

Sunscreen is a powerful weapon against skin cancer. Without sunscreen, ultraviolet rays can do irreparable damage. Apply your sunscreen even during the winter months. It’s recommended that you use an SPF 30 daily in any kind of weather. It also protects against wrinkles and aging.

Follow a Quality Skin Care Regimen

Set yourself up for success by following good practices every single day. Wash your face daily. Moisturize. Apply sunscreen. For more information and skin health services, the experts at Aura spa are here to help.