Personalized Healthy Meal Planning | National Nutrition Month 2021 Written by: absherman

With  the major feasting holidays behind us, it’s time to re-evaluate what foods are on breakfast plates, in lunch boxes, and prepared for the dinner table. Initiated by the Academy of Nutrition, National Nutrition Month begins in March to promote healthy eating plans and physical activity habits tailored to make a difference all year long with the right educational resources.

This year’s theme for 2021 is “Personalize Your Plate” to encourage developing individualized approaches to nutrition and health in relation to favorite international cuisines and dishes from one’s heritage. This is the perfect month to get your diet back on track with intentional meal planning and mindful grocery shopping by fine tuning meals to your liking with subtle changes to food choices and cooking preparations.

Joining in on the fun, VIDA is participating this year by pushing the motto ‘Make nutrition your new tradition’. We want members to think “improvement”, rather than “perfection” when it comes to how they view eating, working out, and overall wellness relating to the mind and body. Instead of forcing yourself to eat foods you find unfavorable, try focusing on healthy foods you enjoy and how you can remix cooking methods to make them more exciting to your palate! Incorporate new spices and flavors that add flair to a mundane dish, and indulge in colorful fruits and vegetables to create appealing plate presentations.

Seeking advice on how to tackle Nutrition Month? Our Nutrition Department and Personal Training team are at your service.  Get virtual counseling with a Registered Nutritionist or Dietitian to learn about what better eating choices may look like for your lifestyle. Steer yourself in the right direction by getting initial questions answered and receive healthful tips to guide you on your nutritional journey. Understand how to achieve fitness goals through customized dietary plans. Visit the Nutritional Counseling page to see all the services offered and email [email protected] to book VIDA Fits, Nutritional Analyses, and Meal Planning.

Chris Chu, a personal trainer at our U Street location, believes wellness doesn’t just come from the outside— it starts from the inside. “The simple intention to focus on what we put into our bodies can replenish us from being fatigued to help charge up for the next session. Your food affects your mood so please reward your it with the proper kinds of nutrients accordingly. Keep your kitchen close to your heart. Nutrition is the mission.” You can connect with a VIDA Personal Trainer for fitness support and nutrition advice to enhance your body performance. Check out the Personal Training page for more details on staff and training packages.

We want you to march into National Nutrition Month with VIDA by your side. Learn how to eat smart without the guilt and set achievable wellness milestones. We’re here to assist with your nutrition goals and be the additional support you need to get there.