VIDA & NASM are partnering to offer the highest standard of education and certification in personal training to 20 ethnic or racial minority candidates. Scholarship recipients enroll in a mentorship program that provides them the resources to earn their Certified Personal Training (CPT) credential and realize their maximum potential for personal training greatness.
Elle, a 2022 PT scholar who just passed her exam, shares her experience of what the program means to her.
What or who inspired you to apply to the VIDA Personal Training Scholarship?
Becoming a certified personal trainer has been something on my bucket list for a long time. We were sharing our 2022 resolutions at my Bible Study and one member suggested I apply for the VIDA Scholarship when I mentioned that my resolution was looking into becoming a fitness instructor. I was really nervous to apply for such an elite gym, but very grateful that I took the opportunity to do so.
What does receiving this scholarship mean to you personally? How has this opportunity changed your life?
Receiving this scholarship meant that I had new opportunities that were bigger than I could have imagined. This program is the best springboard to launch a career in the fitness industry. The Scholarship Program goes beyond the textbook and helps aspiring trainers build relationships with experienced mentors. Not only will graduates be academically prepared for their test, they will get hands-on experience in the gym so they can feel confident when training future clients. As someone who works out a lot, but doesn’t actually spend that much time at the gym, I’m extremely grateful for all the shadowing I’ve been able to do to learn the hands-on things that a textbook can’t cover.
Now that you’ve passed the Personal Training exam, what’s next?
I have been hired to work at VIDA Navy Yard. I am really excited to be a part of a fantastic community of trainers. I can truly say that everyone has been helpful and welcoming at VIDA Navy Yard. I am still teaching elementary school full-time, but love that personal training hours can be flexible and I can evaluate how much of each career I want to work next year as I gain experience at VIDA.
What would you say to someone who is considering applying to the VIDA Personal Training scholarship?
Apply for it! It is the best way to set yourself up for success as a personal trainer. VIDA provides workshops that go beyond the textbook and shows you how the lessons from the textbook can be applied in real life. I don’t think there’s a better program out there that will support you in becoming a NASM Personal Trainer.
How did you celebrate passing the Personal Training Exam? We love hearing about all the fun things you did to celebrate
The day after my exam, Lizzo was in Washington DC for her concert. I celebrated passing my exam by dancing up a storm in Capital One Arena as she played her crystal flute. I hope to bring Lizzo’s motivational spirit into my workouts with VIDA clients.