Guest blog by Jessica Herfurth, Development Associate at Thrive DC
No one has to be homeless or hungry.
Thrive DC has been operating in the Columbia Heights neighborhood in Ward 1 for more than 15 years with a mission to prevent and end homelessness in Washington, DC.
We meet people where they are, in the community they live in.
Clients typically come to us first for basic emergency services, including hot meals, shower and laundry facilities, personal care items, and clothing. Our clients often experience mental illnesses, addiction, domestic violence, and trauma exacerbated by long-term homelessness. As we get to know an individual, understand their background, and assess their needs, we can provide more robust, wrap-around services. Based on our experience, we firmly assert that providing community-based services where clients stay is critical.
We empower change through harm reduction and nurturing growth in individuals.
At Thrive, we support individuals in making positive changes in their lives, regardless of the challenges they face. Recognizing that change is a gradual journey, harm reduction encourages small, incremental steps toward goals. We use a holistic approach that serves as a bridge between intention and action. We uphold dignity and resilience, valuing every person we serve.
We believe housing is essential, but it’s just the beginning.
Thrive emphasizes ongoing support for clients who have been disconnected from some of life’s routines. Success may not be linear, and housing should not be contingent on progress. The focus is on creating supportive environments that enable growth during ups and downs. Critical wrap-around services help individuals develop self-sufficient behaviors, addressing challenges like mental health and substance use.
At Thrive DC, we’re dedicated to providing community-based services, nurturing individual growth, and embracing the complexities of each client’s journey to work toward a community where no one is homeless or hungry.