
Trey Kilgore

City Vista

Trey Kilgore, born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, is a NASM certified Personal Trainer who incorporates a holistic approach to physical fitness: mind, body, & spirit.  Graduating from one of the most prestigious high schools in the country, he excelled both academically and athletically leading him to a variety of offers around the country to play high level, division I football. He signed and committed to Michigan State University where he played Division I BIG10 football.

While at Michigan State, he trained under an award-winning strength and conditioning coach of the NCAA. There, he received and retained a multitude of knowledge for training and rehabilitation. Trey spent a large portion of his collegiate athletic career in rehabilitation for a variety of injuries (ACL (2), PCL, Collar Bone, etc) to name a few.

After transferring to Towson University to finish his undergraduate degree in Communications, he then transferred (using a year of eligibility the NCAA gave back to him due to all of his injuries) to Indiana University of Pennsylvania where he would finish his graduate academics and athletics. Trey proceeded to obtain two Master Degrees in Business and in Sports Management (Exercise Science).

Once his athletic career was over with, he realized (after finding himself in the gym before sunrise on a daily basis) that the hard work-ethic and discipline were still ingrained. This was when he discovered a newly found realization for the love of physical fitness, wellness, and positive energy. He realized the positive change and impact that it had on his life. As a trainer, now, he makes it a goal to help and allow everyone to experience the same type of transformational experience that physical fitness, knowledge/information, motivation, determination, and state of mind, has allowed him to experience. He realized the domino effect that one positive action, with hard work, commitment, and discipline, can have on the trajectory of one’s life. This is his gift back to the world. A true, transformational experience.

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